
"You are not a game designer until you ship a game." - Me. For almost 3 years, I have been working on Mech Mice. I want to personally thank the many people that made this game happen.

The Fans

First, I want to thank you, the fans! After leaving Club Penguin in 2010, I asked you to help me develop my next game. Your comments and feedback shaped my ideas and Mech Mice was born. You patiently watched Mech Mice grow from concept art, to a book. The book became the launchpad for the game. A team was gathered, we refined the game. You joined us in the Beta, and destroyed millions of bugs. Thank-you.

Mech Mice Tweets
Mech Mice Tweets

Cale Atkinson

I have always started every game with an image. Cale helped me explore the world of Mech Mice. The scale, the mood, and the texture. You created hundreds of illustrations and paintings that never appeared in the game. Thank-you for joining me on this journey to find the "look" of Mech Mice.

The Miller Brothers

Before there was the Mech Mice game, there was an idea; the idea of a squad of mice using their wits and their weapons to defend themselves in a world that considers them prey. I wanted more than a game, I wanted to create a whole universe. That universe needed a history – a backdrop for the mice to inhabit. For most games, that would mean a game design document and countless planning meetings, but I wanted to try something different. What if the world itself was planned through a novel instead?

I have never been a storyteller, and I want to thank the Millers for challenging me to dig deep, and carefully consider the characters and history of Mech Mice. Thanks guys!


Chris Hendricks (aka Screenhog)

When I started Club Penguin, I asked Chris to help me. When I started Mech Mice, again I asked Chris to help me. Chris is one of the most multi-talented individuals I have ever met. No challenge is too small or too great for him. Chris has always been my sounding board and a good friend. Thank you Chris, and I look forward to playing "your" game next.

Andrew Pearson-Roach

Andrew you have always impressed me. You took a huge risk on joining the team before we knew what we were going to build. You have watched Mech Mice grow, change, restart, and finish. Andrew has been the only full-time 3D modeller on the Hyper Hippo team and worked closely with our animators, modellers, and painters at Oktobor Animation.

Russ Horton (aka SheepvsGravity)

Russ and I share the same passion for game mechanics, post-it notes, and mind-maps. I am really impressed that Russ accepted my offer to produce the game. Thank-you for the endless discussions, passionate debates, and a bottomless bowl of chocolate.

Cody Vigue

Cody joined the Mech Mice team later, but he has always been our biggest fan. Early in development, Cody has always provided incredible insight and passion for the entire Mech Mice universe. Later, when Cody joined the Hyper Hippo team he became the Mech Mice Experience Designer. This title does not contain the man called "Cody". His fingerprints are all over Mech Mice. Cody has poured an incredible amount of love and passion into Mech Mice. Thank-you Cody. You put the "Fantastic" into Mech Mice! Thanks to my Coke Zero buddy.

Christopher Waters

Chris from Oktobor Animation has been a good friend, and my creative partner. Thank-you for joining me on this incredible adventure.

Oktobor Animation

INCREDIBLE! The team at Oktobor Animation are some of the industry's best 3D animators, modellers, and painters. It has been a pleasure to create the Mech Mice game with this fantastic team in Auckland New Zealand. Special thanks to Dan Wang, Fraser Clark, Rob DiFiglia, and Rebekah Ross. Rebekah was outstanding and worked with the Hippo team daily. I look forward to a Mech Mice Animated Series. (You the fans can make this happen)

Kevin Yockey

Your server programming skills are unmatched, and your passion for finding the most obscure games amazes me. Many will never see the foundation behind Mech Mice (and Club Penguin). Thank-you for your incredible work.

Clint Schnee

UI and UX design have always been my passion. I started my career as a graphic designer, and I was hesitant to allow someone else to create the Mech Mice interface. But, you blew me away! Thank-you.

Paul Moore

Paul actually joined the Mech Mice team twice. Early in the project, and later when we started production. I am speechless. You are an AWESOME PROGRAMMER! Thank-you for the long days, late nights.

Johnny Jansen (Mech Moose)

You are a Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Social Media guru. The quality of our studio increased 10x when you joined the team. Thanks.

Michael Ratch

I have never been a fan of game design documents, technical design documents, projections, scheduling, planning, and spreadsheets. But without mission control, we would have never put a man on the moon. Thanks for your diligence.

Tristan Rattink

Tristan joined the Hyper Hippo team late in development, but has had an incredible impact on the team and the game. You truly are a SCRUM MASTER! The team was tired, and the race was long. You coached the team to the finish line. Thank-you.

Ty Summach

A game without marketing will never be discovered. Ty continues to tell the world about Mech Mice. He is our champion in the media and industry. Over the next couple weeks and months you will start to see his work around the world. Thank-you.

Jennifer Kilback

Jennifer has been a friend and advisor for many years. She encouraged me to build a larger studio in Kelowna and partner with Pascale.

Pascale Audette

Wow. I don't even know where to start. Pascale took my little hobby studio (RocketSnail) and built a game studio (Hyper Hippo). Without this company Mech Mice would have never happened. Thank-you Pascale for making dreams happen.

Amy and Lucy

Both these ladies have done more work then I will ever know. From behind the scenes they have kept the office running, lights on, and maintained an endless stream of post-it notes. Thank-you.

Daniel and James

Both of these fine gentlemen are new to the Hyper Hippo team, and have jumped in with both feet. Daniel has done an excellent job assembling and crafting the Mech Mice levels. James as hammered away at the code and destroyed countless bugs. Thanks guys, and I look forward to getting to know you more.

Juanita and Sam

You guys rock! You crunch the numbers and keep the bills paid. Thanks!

My Kids

Mech Mice was the fist game I created that my kids were old enough to play and enjoy. I love the fact that I have rarely had the opportunity to play the game. Every time the game starts my kids would push me away and dive in. I have enjoyed the opportunity to play the game through the eyes of children. Thanks guys. I look forward to building more games with you.

My Wife

My wife has always encouraged me to dream big. Thanks for your continued support.


You cannot create a game without great tools. The entire team would like to thank:

  • Unity for their fine product
  • GameAnaylics for this helping us test the game
  • Google for allowing us to Collaborate
  • Cookie Clicker for distracting the entire team (except Screenhog)
  • Coke Zero and Redbull for the long nights.
  • Post-it, Nerf, Sharpie

Canoe Adventure

DSC01593 Every year I plan one big adventure. This year was the famous Bowron lake circuit with my dad and two sons. We paddled 112km, 12 lakes, 10 portages and 5 rivers. No internet, just my notebook and pen. Lots of time to consider new games and rework old game mechanics.


Above was one of the most amazing board games that I have discovered. Someone hand carved an entire checkers game from wood. The board was a log with the two sides split off. The surface was burned and the white tiles were carved away with an axe. The pieces were sticks chopped into little discs. Black had bark, and white had the bark removed. Amazing.