Summer Report

Busy summer! Here are some cool stats for the RocketSnail website between June and August 2005.

  • I received almost 10,000 emails (not including spam)
  • 1,034,210 people visited the website.
  • Almost 12,000 people visit every day.
  • 524,884 penguins waddled around this summer.
  • The average penguin spends 15 minutes online.
  • Pushed more than 450 GB of bandwidth.
  • The most popular game on the site was Penguin Chat 3.
  • The second most popular game was Mancala.

Once again, thanks for playing!

Club Penguin - Lots of questions, lots of answers

Hello Penguins! I have received lots of questions about Club Penguin (formally called the BIG Update). So here's lots of answers. Why did I not get accepted for the Club Penguin Beta Test? Sadly, almost 200 people do not have working email addresses, or they misspelled their email address on the Beta Test application.

When will Club Penguin be released? When all the big bugs have been fixed. We cannot release Club Penguin until it is stable.

Where is the Pet Shop? The pet shop is not ready, honestly we do not have enough pets right now. You can buy pets from the catalogues. The catalogues can be found in your igloo or the shop.

Can you get pets other than goldfish? More pets coming soon.

Why are there so many bugs? Tough question. We are using an all new server system, this allows the chat to work faster and allow more penguins to visit the word. We are working to fix them.

Can you block unwanted people from your igloo? Yes, add the player to your ignore list. Click the player's penguin and press Ignore.

Can you turn on the television? Soon, we are working on the animations right now.

What is the Canadian flag icon for? We are currently working on flags for your penguins. The flags will appear on your player card.

Where is the ninja? That is a secret that can not be revealed until we launch. There will be a ninjas, but it will be more difficult to become a ninja and will involve the secret room. For now, just make your penguin black and pretend.

Club Penguin - Beta Test

RocketSnail Games and New Horizon Interactive is proud to announce the "Club Penguin" beta test. We realized that this update was so BIG, that it needed its own name and web site and Club Penguin is it! For the next 2 to 3 weeks we will be testing the game to make sure it is as fun as possible. We will let you know when the beta test is over and the final version is launched. Emails have been sent to all the beta testers and we are allowing a couple more days to sign up if you are wanting to help test. Soon everyone will be able to visit "Club Penguin." cp-logo